Robots in an Industry Hall Cyber Security

OT & IIoT Condition Monitoring

Manage OT network complexity & identify misconfigurations and technical error states

Technical error states in the OT threaten the process stability

Growing complexity of OT networks increases risk of misconfigurations and overload conditions

In industrial infrastructure, the focus is on availability, occupational safety and process stability. The increasing complexity of operational technology endangers these qualities through proprietary configurations and protocols as well as unforeseeable failings of single components.

For real-time process, critical services as well as predictive maintenance, early reporting of technical error states is elemental. Only if identify early on, can overload conditions, communication errors and misconfigurations (see illustration left) be mitigated before industrial processes are affected.

OT & IIoT Condition Monitoring against technical error states

Detect root causes in real time & ensure process stability

Technical error states often cause a search for the needle in the haystack. The Rhebo OT monitoring with anomaly detection shortcuts the search. The OT & IIoT condition monitoring establishes full visibility across all active devices and systems with the networks. The anomaly detection delivers real-time notification of communication processes that indicate a malfunction in the OT, e.g.:

  • increased roundtrip times,
  • communication interruptions,
  • retransmissions,
  • checksum errors,
  • windows size 0.

Overload conditions, physical damage, misconfiguration and the degradation of network performance are immediately detected and the sources of error are directly identified. In addition, the Rhebo monitoring assesses the performance of your OT on a daily basis with a quality score.

Rhebo enables you to actively:

  • secure process stability,
  • increase overall equipment effectiveness and
  • establish condition based maintenance and operations.
Incident Detection at First Occurence Fast Analysis and Detection Cyber Security


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  • Solution Brief


    Solution brief Rhebo OT Security



  • Information flyer


    Main facts about the Rhebo Industrial Protector



  • Customer Success Story


    Real-time security & condition monitoring at energy provider e-netz