eBook: Cybersecurity in Renewable Energy Plants

What attack vectors threaten REPs and DERs - and how to get rid of them


How to secure the smart metering infrastructure?

Questioning the most frequent arguments for AI in OT

How effective is AI in OT security? We take a closer look at the arguments from leading cybersecurity providers and institutes!

»How to make IIoT edge devices cybersecure as well as NIS2 compliant?«

Rhebo Explained: How anomaly detection works

Rhebo provides simple and effective cybersecurity and intrusion detection “Made in Germany” for Operational Technology (OT), Industrial IoT (IIoT) and the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) for the energy sector, critical infrastructure and manufacturing.

Rhebo fully supports companies along the industrial cybersecurity lifecycle from the initial risk analysis to managed OT monitoring with intrusion and anomaly detection.

Trust Build on Expertise

What our customers say
Our energy storage systems have very specific communication patterns. When selecting the solution, it was therefore particularly important to us that monitoring and security automation are specifically tailored to our devices and can be expanded at any time. Because both our technology and the threat landscape are constantly evolving.
Daniel Ackermann, sonnen Leader Software Development Team
Network Worldwide IoT Internet of Things Cyber Security
The sonnen Group is one of the world's leading manufacturers of intelligent electricity storage systems and a pioneer in technologies for a clean, decentralised and connected energy system.
For years, Rhebo has been very well established with its solution at German energy suppliers. And as a German and vendor-independent company, it offers the trustworthiness and flexibility that our customers expect when securing their system-relevant infrastructure.
Frank Brech Head of EnBW Full Kritis Service
EnBW Full Kritis Service is the cybersecurity service provider of EnBW AG and offers tailor-made, integrated cybersecurity products and services for energy suppliers, water companies and industrial customers, among others.
With Rhebo, we can centrally and reliably secure our energy supply as well as the municipal utilities and over 16,000 decentralized energy producers we serve. The newly gained transparency and continuous monitoring visibly increases our network quality.
Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Beyer, TEN Advisor Process IT and Interfaces, TEN
TEN Thüringer Energienetze is the largest distribution network operator in Thuringia, Germany supplying over 1.1 million people, the domestic economy and downstream distributors with energy.
With Rhebo we can actively make sure that our Industrial Automation & Control System (IACS) is stable and secure. Rhebo provides the detailed visibility into our IACS to rapidly identify and mitigate novel attacks and misconfigurations that have been invisible to us in the past.
Sven Hanemann, e-netz Südhessen AG IT Security manager
Power Energy EVU Cyber Security
As the distribution network operator of Entega AG, e-netz Südhessen AG reliably supplies around one million people in 63 municipalities in the Rhine-Main-Neckar region with electricity and gas.
Thanks to the newly gained transparency and analysis capability with Rhebo, we were able to significantly improve the performance of our SCADA technology and specifically enhance the cybersecurity of the wind and PV parks we operate
Mohamed Harrou, BayWa r.e. Head of SCADA
Wind Power Cyber Security
BayWa r.e. is a worldwide leading developer, service provider, wholesaler and supplier of solutions in the field of renewable energies.
Rhebo Industrial Protector convinced us with its functionality, depth of detail and real-time detection of even hidden anomalies.
Thomas Volk, Stromnetz Hamburg Managing Director
Industry Power Plant Cyber Security
Stromnetz Hamburg GmbH operates the electricity distribution grid including the infrastructure for electromobility in Hamburg and its metropolitan region.
With Rhebo, we can be sure that any anomaly in our network control system will be reported to us in real-time enabling us to react immediately.
Dirk Hollmach, Mitnetz Head of Net Operations Mitnetz
Energy Cyber Security
The largest distribution network operator in East Germany maintains an electricity network for a secure energy supply for 2.3 million people.
Rhebo's ICS monitoring system provides us with systematic support in monitoring remote maintenance and remote access points as well as detecting defects and anomalies in the ICS before they cause disruptions in the energy or water supply.
Rainer Fuhrmann, EWR Netz GmbH Head of Industrial Control
EWR Netz GmbH develops and operates energy, water and telecommunications networks in the German regions of Rheinhessen, Ried and Pfalz.
We were impressed by the smooth process. The direct development of effective measures optimally prepared us for future cyber security risks.
Falk Richter, Leipziger Wasserwerke Team Leader IT Systems and Applications
Water Sewage Cyber Security
The company supplies 545,000 people with fresh drinking water from five utilities. In addition, 25 sewage plants treat 95,000 m³ of wastewater daily for reintroduction into natural waters.
With Rhebo Industrial Protector, we were able to open up a view into the control system and monitor every communication process.
Dr. Jens Pittler, Digital Forensics Head of Technology Digital Forensics
Philosophie Highway
Digital Forensics is specialized in providing forensic analysis services for large volume network traffic.

Our Philosophy: OT Security Made Simple

Securing Operational Technology with Rhebo in 3 Steps


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